Dubai Clear LLC has a robust risk management framework to support its functions as a central counterparty (CCP).
Members are required to post margins for all trades accepted for clearing by Dubai Clear. The Dubai Clear’s margin methodology is based on VaR (Value at Risk) margining on a 99% confidence interval. Dubai Clear also adopts stress testing and backtesting models to ensure adequacy of margin requirements.
Dubai Clear adopts a margin methodology in line with international standards for the settlement of all trades.
Dubai Clear has set a fully-funded settlement default fund comprising its own contribution and also contributions from clearing members to be used in case of an event of default.
Dubai Clear has the following types of margins:
- Initial Margin
- Variation Margin
- Fails Margin
- Additional Margins
For further information, please refer to the ‘Margin Policy’ within the Regulations, Policies & Procedures.
Collateral Management
Dubai Clear has a collateral management framework in place to accept approved collateral types approved by the regulator. Dubai Clear accepts only quality collateral with low credit, liquidity and market risks.
Clearing Members and Settlement Agents can deposit collaterals with the CCP in the following types:
- Cash Collateral
- Bank Guarantee
- Securities
For further information, please refer to the 'Collateral Policy’ within the Regulations, Policies & Procedures.